Chrysler 300c Tuning and ECU Remapping

Chrysler 300c Tuning and ECU Remapping

Wow – what a fab day today tuning Chrysler 300C’s; how often can you boost a car’s performance by 30%! And not affect fuel economy or reliability. Today we were joined by Tim, Miles, Simon, Rocco and Paul, from the 300c owners club, seriously nice guys and seriously tuneable cars.

Chrysler 300c Tuning and ECU Remapping
Chrysler 300c Tuning and ECU Remapping

Now, to be honest, many are in two minds about the Chrysler 300c; it looks nice, but is it the real deal or a USA muscle car wannabe with no teeth? If you are a sceptic, hold that thought; once you really get up close and take a good look, the 300c is a pretty serious beast, and you instantly start to understand why they have such a following.

What is immediately obvious is the 300c has real presents, it simply dominates our dyno room once loaded, and through strapped down with 6 x 15 ton industrial straps, as the power starts to load up, the room turns electric, and for the first time in a very long time we find ourselves double checking the straps and mountings, thoughts of King Kong breaking loose spring to mind, and that’s because quite simply – it’s a bit of an animal.

The standard factory tune is nothing short of the nightdress covering little red ridding hood‘s “bed bound” wolf; it’s struggling to hide the beast straining to be released. And that is exactly what our technical team set about doing. We spent the day with the guys developing and refining a range of tuning files taking account of a number of existing modifications – these 300c’s fly! 215bhp stock to over 303bhp in one tuning map – better hold on. That is one serious power gain. It was a good day – great power and good fun – our Chrysler ball sees a dyno day coming soon …..can’t wait……….. let’s release the power………

If you are interested in vehicle tuning, visit our website at, or if you have any questions, you can contact us at
