
Magic Motorsport Flex Update: OBD Unlocking for VAG 2.0 TFSI MG1CS031 Now Available

The tuning industry has just taken another significant leap forward. With the latest Magic Motorsport Flex update (version, professional tuners can now unlock and remap Bosch MG1CS031 ECUs via OBD, effectively bypassing advanced anti-tuning protections on VAG 2.0L TFSI vehicles. This development eliminates the need for ECU removal or bench tuning. Tuners can now [...]

KESS3: The Smartest Tuning Investment You’ll Make in 2025

If you’re serious about starting or expanding a tuning business, choosing the right tools is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. The industry has moved on from older, slower tuning tools—what once worked is now limiting. KESS3 by Alientech is the most advanced tuning tool available today, giving professional tuners access to OBD, [...]

Magic Motorsport Flex Unlocks Bosch MD1CS014 via OBD – A Game-Changer for VAG 3.0L TDI Tuning

The tuning industry has just taken a huge step forward. With the latest Magic Motorsport Flex update (version, professional tuners can now unlock and remap Bosch MD1CS014 ECUs via OBD, breaking through previously impenetrable anti-tuning protections on VAG 3.0L TDI vehicles from 2020 onwards. Magic have also released an update that covers VAG vehicles [...]

The Ultimate Guide to the Different Types of Car Tuning

When looking at the different types of car tuning, the industry is full of varying definitions of terminology. Many terms are used inconsistently and interchangeably, which can cause confusion when you’re starting your tuning journey.  This comprehensive guide aims to explain the different types of car tuning, what each involves, and how they can transform [...]

New KESS3 Upgrade-Pack: Reprogram Mercedes-Benz “CPC” ECUs and the newly supported ACM and UDM control units dedicated to heavy-duty vehicles.

Alientech's latest KESS3 Upgrade 2.14 introduces significant advancements for tuning professionals, particularly concerning Mercedes-Benz vehicles equipped with the Common Powertrain Controller (CPC) module. Understanding the CPC Module The CPC module is integral to Mercedes-Benz vehicles, managing key functions such as torque, horsepower, and speed limitations. Its primary role is to ensure optimal performance and adherence [...]

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