Improved Driveability, flexibility, and overall performance. All without losing valuable MPG! My Toyota RAV4 engine tune.

There’s no question the improvement is significant and I am very pleased with the result. While I tend to be more of a sedate driver (who races around in a RAV 4!!??) the acceleration is greatly improved with the engine always feeling good and strong – very impressive. The engine feels smoother with greater flexibility in each gear making it easier to drive. Often the car is comfortable in a higher gear than before. Less gear changes needed so driving becomes more relaxed. The MPG is also improved, difficult to be specific as I haven’t been doing my usual driving/journeys over the Christmas period. I did drive to Clevedon and back and got 47mpg overall. My normal return is 40mpg for day to day use and I would have expected to get 42/43 mpg for the Clevedon trip before the remap.

Fuel efficiency wasn’t my main objective, I just didn’t want it to go down, but I would be confident to say the improvement is between 5% as a minimum and up to 10/15% on a longer drive.

It certainly delivers on my main objectives for improvement in driveability, flexibility and overall performance.

Hope this is useful to you and helpful to others contemplating a ECU remap.

Many thanks,
